Sunday, November 9, 2008

Jealousy of Others Ministries

As I start to try to think of how to write this in cohesive words, I'll start by saying that this is coming from my own experiences of jealousy and covetousness, no I'm not perfect although that's coming one day beyond this current life. I desist...

Why do we covet or get jealous of others ministries? I know for me a lot of the time it is "What they are getting to do is sooo cool." (ie: David Crowder Band, Leeland, etc.) It also is in a truly respectful and wanting to be as fruitful as they are the "Look how they lead others to Jesus!" Then it goes sour with anger and jealousy. Why is this so? It should not be so.

Let me pose question number 2: "When one member of the body benefits, do not all?" If I adorn my torso with a cool shirt are my hands any less benefited, or rockin' shoes for my feet are my arms any less blessed? If David Crowder and Leeland are leading others to Christ and helping other Christians be faithful, should we not rejoice greatly?? Should not our joy increase as well. If John Piper or Bob Kauflin inspires others to be more God centered, should be not rejoice that this is occuring? Are not we all benefiting from these ministers being blessed and the peoples being blessed?

I think that God has placed us in strategic places for His purposes. As I would love to travel the country and play music God knows this is no place for me (as much as that hurts to say it), and as much as I love to point others to Jesus, He knows that I am not gifted to be a pastor, writer, and speaker (at the this point in life at least). But again, are we not all members of the same body, members all working for the same goal? How can I be jealous or envious if Christ is central...or rather why do we let ourselves become jealous or envious if Christ is central? Should we not pray for and encourage those who are more prominent than us so that they may be more effective? In the end, while we are being jealous, who are we missing that we have been strategically placed to reach and to minister to?

This is not to say that you should not desire to do great things, or wish for your church to grow, or desire to be a more erudite leader. But it is in a way to say, don't miss the small things, for even one life led to Christ is worth my entire life (wishing it be multitudes). It is to say don't neglect the personal growth in your church for numerical growth in your church. It is to say don't miss your current ministry by always focusing on the future ministry.

As always, I am sure one day I may look back on this with a sense of "Oh my, I was young and green." But I hope that this spurs you on to be the minister you were called to be, whatever that looks like. And to pray for and love those who are prominent, for if they benefit we all do. We are the body of Christ, let us not break out in an autoimmune disease.

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